One of our Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu Classes – Team Koru from Glen Taylor School had a post up a few weeks ago about using Explain Everything to create dinosaurs with their heads. We really liked that idea and wanted to do one similar, but because we use Chromebooks and not iPads we had to do it slightly different.

Today, we got to create a creature on Google Drawings using either the polyline (which is still a bit tricky for some of us) or lots of shapes together to create a creature of our choice.

We then took a picture of just our heads and used to remove the background and anything extra that was still in the picture. Finally, we put this picture onto the head of our creature. It was really fun. We hope you enjoy them!

5 thoughts on “Google Draw Creatures

  1. Talofa lava Kōwhai class, it is us again at Room 9 Glen Taylor School. We really like your drawings, they look like aliens and dinosaurs. We think it is easier to draw using ipads but you did a good job.

    Keep up the good work

    From your friends at Room 9 Glen Taylor School

    1. Talofa lava Room 9,

      Thank you for your lovely comment on our blog.

      You guessed our creatures right! We were going for dinosaurs or aliens – well done!

      We agree with you, it is MUCH easier to draw with an iPad, but we did try really hard with the chromebooks so are glad that you can tell what we made.

      -Kōwhai Class

  2. Kia Ora Room 9,
    These creatures are so colourful and interesting. I love the arrows for arms and the big red body with a teeny tiny head! They are so clever.
    It’s great that you had a go to develop your skills with google drawing and by using, well done!
    I wonder why would using an ipad make this activity easier?

    Jude O’Neil
    Manaiakalani Team member

    1. Kia ora Jude,

      Thank you for commenting on our post!

      We think it is easier to draw with an iPad because you can move your finger all around the screen to get the picture you want and with a chromebook, it is hard to swipe and push on the trackpad all time time. When you swipe on a chromebook, it doesn’t always do what you want it to do. While we know it’s harder, we know that we will have some awesome skills at the end of the year.

      Jax said his mum has a touch screen computer, which we think would be awesome to use as it’s the best of both worlds!

      Ngā mihi
      Kōwhai Class @ Levin North

      1. A touch screen computer would be just the thing! Perhaps Whaea Stacey could encourage Mr Davis to get one for you?
        Good luck!

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