Talofa Lava!

This week in Cybersmart we learnt a bit more on how to use Google Docs.

We practiced changing our font so it was bold, italic or underlined. We changed our font style, size and colour.

We also learnt how to add in images (through our camera, the internet or a drawing) as well as insert images and special characters.

The coolest thing we learnt how to do was Voice Type! Some of us already know how to speak into our microphone to search things, but now we can type onto our Google Docs as well! Very exciting!

We haven’t all quite finished, but here are some of the screenshots of our work:

What is your favourite thing to do on Google Docs?

2 thoughts on “Google Docs

  1. Hello Kowhai Class,
    We liked reading about your learning in cybersmart. We like the Minecraft and Spiderman pictures that you inserted into your google doc. We haven’t learnt how to use google docs yet, but we have practised changing the font, the font size and the font colour on explain everything. What is your favourite font to use?
    From your friends in Team Koru at Glen Taylor School!

  2. Hi Team Koru,

    What a great question! We all like lots of different fonts, but one majority voted on is called ‘Lobster’! We liked it because it looks cool, and looks like handwriting!

    Do you have favourite fonts?

    Your friends in Kōwhai Class @ Levin North School

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